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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee

Chapter 140
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140-New Year Sex!

I didn’t want to stick around for now. I knew my mother would be on a flight home soon. She would be

desperate to come here and see what I have been doing behind her back. And I also knew the instant

she finds out I have truly lost my virginity, she will put me in lockdown. So I wanted to enjoy my last night

of freedom.

“I can’t believe he messed up so badly,” I was grunting, slipping into a black miniskirt, and getting ready

to have a stroll when others enjoy the new year fireworks. I was wearing a black tank top with nothing

good to wear on top of it. I wanted a jacket.

“You can wear this,” Maddox appeared out of nowhere, especially when I have told the two brothers to

stay out of my sight for now.

I turned around and watched him hold up a black leather jacket. He was dressed up in all black himself,

holding his heavy bike keys in his fingers too.

“A night out without anyone to show you around is no fun,” he added, strolling inside and helping me

wear the jack- et. I didn’t want to spend my last night arguing with someone, so I stayed silent.

“Have you ever ridden a bike?” he asked, fixing his hair and then smirking when he noticed how my eyes

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traveled to his half naked chest. I instantly looked away, as it was just an accident, but he found it


“No!” I answered.

“Then how about I show you around on my bike tonight?” He stepped back and gestured at the door,

waiting for my re- sponse. There were moments where I did not give too many thoughts to something,

which was one of the traits of being a dragon. We are more fearless, and, well, we don’t think too much

before doing something.

“Okay! Let’s see how this pack looks on your bike,” I an- swered and walked past him, catching him stare

at my butt from the mirror’s reflection.

He followed me, and soon we were standing in front of his sexy black bike. He handed me a black

helmet and wore one too.

“Hop on!” he yelled, setting off on the bike. I did what he had asked me to do and crawled behind him.

The posture au- tomatically got intimate. I was leaning on him with my arms folded tightly over his

stomach. It was the first time, so I was a little hesitant but not anything crazy.

He started the bike and drove off. I knew he was an ex- pert. The cold wind was only able to freeze my

naked legs. Side note: It is an awful idea to wear a skirt on a cold, windy night, especially when your ride

is a bike.

He drove around the pack and then exited the border. That’s where the fun began. I took off the helmet

and got up from the backseat, my hands resting on his back while I opened my arms and let the beautiful

wind play with my hair and skin.

“YOHOOOOOO000000!” I screamed at my loudest, laughing as he sped up. The dark sky was filled with

red clouds. On a long, deserted road, it was just him and me.

I noticed he slowed down in the middle and parked the bike on the side of the road. I jumped off and

frowned at him in bewilderment, thinking maybe something went wrong with the bike.

“Why are we stopping here?” Now that I noticed there was nothing wrong with the bike, I asked him. He

had taken off his helmet and strolled around freely with his arms spread.

“I want to enjoy this fresh air too,” he smirked, walking ahead of me. I was following him with a smile on

my lips.

As we walked on the empty, silent road, he paused and stared at the sky. I followed him, a little skeptical

of his ac- tions, but then everything was clear when the fireworks ran up the sky.

The sporadic whistle noises before the fireworks ran up the sky and then the beautiful coloring dissolving

in the mist brought a smile to my lips.

Maddox stepped back and stood behind me, gently hold- ing my hand.

“Happy New Year!” he whispered from the back, and my smile reached my ears. I turned around and

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smiled back at him.

“Happy New Year to you too, biker boy!” I teased, throw- ing my arms around his neck to give him a little

peck on the cheek. I was so happy and excited for no reason that I forgot all the worries in my life. The

moment I brushed my lips. against his cheek and pulled back, I noticed the smile disap- pearing from his


There was no mystery about why that happened. His gaze was fixed on my lips. He wanted more than

just a kiss on the cheek.

“On a strict diet? Do you not believe in cheat days?” He drew his face closer to mine, whispering. I had

just a few sec- onds to think through my decision, and I let those seconds wash away when I closed my

eyes for him.

His soft lips humbly touched mine; his hands grabbed my back and pulled me over his body. I let out a

little moan when sucking his upper lip. His hands were reaching for what he had been staring at this

whole time. The skirt was too small for my bottom. He took the advantage and lifted the skirt that didn’t

need any lifting to expose by mum. I was wearing a tee- ny tiny panty, something that was stuck in my

ass crack by now. His icy hands gently grabbed my ass cheeks while he deepened the kiss. Our bodies

were pressed tightly; my breasts were demanding to be freed. He was fondling and rubbing my soft,

round ass before he slid his finger under the fabric of my feeble panty to pull it down. I had to spread my

legs a little to help him with the process, as the panty seemed to be glued to my body.

The instant my panty rolled down, I knew sh*t was going downhill.